San Francisco, California | January 14-16, 2022 | Hilton San Francisco Union Square


Upcoming Events

  • ICCS 2021
    Baltimore, MD
    October 8-12, 2021
  • CCEN Practical Course
    San Francisco, CA
    January 14-16, 2022
  • ESCCA 2022
    September 21-24, 2022
    More information can be found here.

Practical Courses

Unique course offerings that focus on practical, hands-on, clinical flow cytometry education in a small group format using a combination of wet and dry labs.

January 14-16, 2022 - San Francisco, CA

E-Learning Library

An online collection of educational materials addressing a variety of topics spanning the field of clinical cytometry.

What's New

Australasian Cytometry Society Clinical Guidelines
The Cytometry Society - India

Visitor Training

The Visitor Training Program enables clinical laboratory scientists and/or medical technologists from developing countries to receive comprehensive training based on their area-specific needs

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, current health risks, travel restraints and strict local directives, the CCEN VTP committee has taken the difficult decision to postpone the CCEN VTP program until travel safety resumes.